Human Resource Management as a Service: more efficiency with less cost

Human Resource Management as a Service makes the execution of tasks more efficient with lower costs, less risk, while ensuring data security and privacy.

With this article, you will learn about the different aspects of this service, which includes Human Resources Management software, Employee Portal, Performance Evaluation Portal, with all the advantages of using Cloud environments.

A complete Human Resource Management as a Service.

Most employees prefer to continue working from home, even after the Pandemic. According to Capterra’s 2021 HR in the New Era survey, that percentage rises to 74%.

To respond to the evolution of workers’ expectations, companies need to use Human Resources Management as a Service tools that keep up with this and other trends.

Companies with between 50 and 500 employees must outsource the management of Human Resources.

It is an interesting solution as it eliminates the need to have its own human resources department, and is financially advantageous, especially for companies of this size.

For example, in the industrial sector and/or family-run companies, where the know-how is not in the services, subcontracting this area is an essential support to management.

Trends in human resource management in 2022

Capterra analyzed the US market and presented some of the main trends that could impact small businesses and explains how to work with them to maintain productivity and engage employees. There are three trends in human resource management:

1.      Mobile Human Resources Applications:

The work-from-anywhere trend has accelerated the digitization of HR processes such as employee recruitment, onboarding and recognition. This is one of the reasons recruiters and employers are turning to software solutions accessible from mobile devices. Mobile Human Resource Management tools can be accessed from any device and allow recruiters to hire remotely. It allows new employees to complete online onboarding tasks. Afterwards, they can manage their own absences, collaborate with superiors and record attendance from their device.

2.      Integrated Artificial Intelligence:

AI is being included in Human Resource Management tools to automate tasks such as scanning curricula vitae, identifying talent and automatically filling out forms. Human resource management software with built-in AI helps improve hiring quality and survey accuracy by screening thousands of applications in less time. On a day-to-day basis, it helps HR teams improve relationships with employees by responding 24/7. In short, technology helps save time and improve productivity for both HR professionals and the talent they interact with.

3.      Self-service features:

Hybrid and remote work models can make it difficult for employees to onboarding and offboarding. Employees and managers, through Employee Portals, can remotely handle these processes, including signing documents, selecting benefits, acting on variables that influence their payroll, without needing help from the HR team. Employees can also find answers to frequently asked questions through virtual assistants, which reduces the number of redundant requests and allows immediate access to their own information.

6 benefits of using Human Resource Management as a Service

In addition to avoiding the need to have its own teams specialized in human resources, especially when the size of the company still does not justify it, there are many advantages of subcontracting the Human Resources Management service as a Service:

1. More available and more productive teams

With the subcontracting of the service, your internal teams can dedicate themselves to other people management activities, freeing themselves from routine tasks and without added value.

By using Human Resource Management as a Service, you will have access to professionals specialized in these areas, who will be “your HR department". In this way, you can assign new tasks to your employees, focusing on the productive activities of the business.

2. Software always up to date

Technology in a cloud environment, as a service, brings with it numerous advantages.

It uses constantly evolving software, incorporating new features and new mechanisms to protect data in HR against cybersecurity threats.

They also have frequent updates necessary to comply with legislative changes.

By using Human Resource Management as a service, all these updates are guaranteed, as part of the service level agreements (SLA), with much lower costs than the acquisition of in-house managed solutions. In this way, external teams, with up-to-date skills and in line with IT innovations, provide a quality service that could hardly be guaranteed by those who spend the day changing tasks.

Furthermore, by using Human Resources Management as a service, it takes advantage of the experience accumulated in various clients by specialized professionals, further enhancing the quality of the service provided.

3. Constant development in terms of security and data protection

Companies that provide services on an outsourced basis or as a service place the security and protection of customer data at the top of their priorities, following legislative changes and cybersecurity threats.

4. Greater flexibility and scalability

Human Resources Management as a service outsourcing licenses, in addition to customized solutions tailored to customer needs, include, when necessary, the review of IT processes according to customer requirements. Contracts are flexible and provide the opportunity to expand or reduce contracted capacity whenever the expansion or reduction of the business requires it.

5. Tailored availability

By using Human Resource Management as a service, you can define the availability and scope of services you want. You will be able to work without any problems, with software updates being ensured during the company’s lowest activity times.

6. Cost reduction

Instead of the need for one-off large-scale investments in software or updates, when using Human Resource Management as a service, the amount allocated to solutions implementation projects is cancelled, the fixed expense with internal resources specialized in HR reduces and its current costs are spread over the contracted period.

The contracted service provides specialized professionals and technological tools suitable for the job. The expense is low and does not compromise, improving the quality of the service.

Freeing up internal resources for higher operational value tasks

That said, with UnikSystem you can have Human Resources Management as a Service, which responds to the main challenges of this business area in companies of all sizes.

In this way it is possible, at an affordable cost, for your company to become highly qualified in terms of Human Resources Management, without taking time away from other business-related tasks and without the need to hire HR experts.

With Human Resource Management as a Service, designed from the ground up from the point of view of process automation, and the optimization of the time dedicated to these functions (according to the Center for Effective Organizations, 50% of a human resources department’s time is consumed by updating internal processes or answering questions and doubts from employees.) your company can fully dedicate itself to your business.

In accordance with the Cyberspace Security Legal Regime, it works in a SaaS model, entirely in the cloud. In addition, it was designed with automation and the digital transition in mind, namely empowerment, digitization and interoperability, solving problems, eliminating barriers and increasing efficiency.

This type of software has numerous advantages that can help you, from the first moment, in the area of salary management, in the elaboration of map models or in the submission of legal maps.

With the Human Resources Management as a Service software, you can manage careers and salary scales, manage salary calculation rules, block import of variables for processing, create map models through ad hoc listings, automatically issue all maps officers.

In addition, it allows the management of employees’ assets, training records, occupational medicine and also the management of alerts and automatic notifications.

Frequently asked questions about Human Resource Management as a Service

Can an employee consult or update their personal data without any intervention from the Human Resource department?

In the Employee Portal, it is possible to consult and update data independently and automatically reflect them in the internal system for salary processing (UnikPeople 360°).

Can the employee justify absences and insert documents to support the justification?

It is possible to view absence records and record justifications, including documentation with evidence.

Can the manager approve an employee’s vacation in view of the vacation of the entire team to which the employee belongs?

The manager can visually review the vacation already booked by the team to which the employee belongs before approving their vacation.

Can the vacation management process be carried out in its entirety on the Employee Portal?

The vacation days to which each employee is entitled are automatically assigned in the Employee Portal. The information is made available to the employee so that he can independently schedule vacation periods.

The vacation approval/change request follows an approval workflow for the team/department head, who can view all team requests.

After approving the requests, Human Resources managers can be notified and this change is integrated into the Contributor Portal (HR).

Having understood the different dimensions of human resources management software as a service, shall we schedule a presentation?

Share with UnikSystem your current difficulties and future goals in terms of Human Resource Management as a service so that we can prepare a presentation that meets your needs.

by Célia Barata – RegTech & HR Business Manager @Uniksystem

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