In life and in companies, many contracts are established at decisive moments.
For an employee, signing the employment contract and onboarding at the company is one of those moments.
According to the study carried out by the Society for Human Resources Management Foundation (EUA) 20% of turnover occurs in the first 90 days.
There are several reasons that justify this turnover, but the expectations and experience of the reception are above all the main reason. After expectations (eventually failed), the freedom that the probationary period gives the employee (and the employer) provides for turnover.
About expectations and human resource management
People say (and well) that we shouldn’t have expectations and that depending on their level, the greater the drop. We agree when applied to our personal life. We profoundly disagree when it applies to professional life.
When we hire, there is a genuine expectation that the collaborator/worker will fulfill the tasks, in a medium period of time, for which they were hired. That you have the professional and academic experience you mentioned in recruitment and selection. And above all, that you have the soft skills and attitude that we consider to be paramount in the working world and which is respect for your work context: colleagues and employer.
On the employee’s side, there are very valid expectations that must be fulfilled by employers: that the position for which they were hired is compatible with recruitment and selection; that the entity’s life cycle is consistent with onboarding; that the employer provides current and adequate work tools: good collaborative work tools, at the moment, for remote work, and above all a Employee Portal where he can manage the company’s life cycle and always have visibility of his professional path, with support constant progress and learning.
About belonging to an organization
The feeling of belonging to a company, starts in the company and it’s the company’s great responsibility to its workers. At the beginning of an employee’s life cycle, this feeling of belonging, which develops more properly since onboarding, is seen by the employee in the work tools that are provided to him. Having a self-management tool such as the Employee Portal and at the same time shared management, develops, in addition to that belonging, greater security and confidence in the company.
As there is no very specific data (or statistics) on the importance of a work tool such as the Employee Portal in the professional life of an employee, we challenged some colleagues to give testimony and a deeply personal view on the importance of this portal for day management -to-day business. The words that reached us were in line with what we anticipated: more work autonomy, greater transparency, also more flexibility, saving time in scheduling work and personal moments, practicality when updating data and contacting HR and, in short, a bigger and better time and work management.
The Benefits of a Employee Portal
The Centre for Effective Organizations tells us that around 50% of a human resources department’s time is invested in 2 types of tasks: either updating employees’ internal processes or answering employees’ questions and doubts.
We invite you to calculate how many resources within your organization are allocated to these tasks and, in turn, consider with us the time you can save and monetize with the centralization and autonomy of the employee in updating their data, including all doubts associated with the contract of work.
Cost and resource savings
The Employee Portal significantly reduces the time spent on administrative tasks and makes the whole process much more participatory and direct (no more emails to human resources because an address, a tax status or others have been updated).
Even contacts and queries to the HR department are simplified and more direct through the Employee Portal. All hiring, payroll, vacation, absence, overtime information is simplified. Imagine the Employee Portal as a “Citizen’s Store” where your employee resolves all issues and is responsible for the process.
It is important from onboarding that the employee has ownership of their tasks as a “Citizen" within the company with a tool that they must keep up to date and must resort to information at all times: the Employee Portal.
A time-saving and a management tool
People management in companies whose human resources are managed by the administration or even by an HR team, requires a lot of time investment if that company does not have the right tools. With an Employee Portal, the company can centralize information, empower the employee in their journey within the company and, therefore, invest time wasted in administrative work, in new strategic partnerships, new hires, training and team development, among others .
All absences (holidays, illness, family support) can be managed autonomously by the employee through the portal, with simple approval by team managers in just a few seconds and with automatic integration into salary processing. Added to all the simplicity achieved with the automation of processes, greater data security and the ability to audit whenever necessary, mitigating situations where expectations could not be met or exceeded.
At the same time, it works as an important point of contact: the Employee Portal allows the company to inform its employees well about new directives, new events, remuneration policies, benefits, among others, in a simple way, fast and updated.
Autonomy, engagement and rigor
When a company gives its employees the possibility of being responsible for their data, for their journey within the company, for their knowledge of the company by reading the information and notifications that are transmitted via the Employee Portal, it does not only invest in efficiency with saving time and resources, it invests in the employee’s autonomy, in their engagement and in the rigor of the data they have entered on the Portal.
At the same time, it can gauge the motivation of an employee: an employee who finds out about what he is told is an interested and motivated employee. With greater transparency, it is possible to increase the motivation and engagement of employees with the organization and with the business objectives, in a win-win scenario.
Compliance and Analytics
With an Employee Portal in which from onboarding there is an empowerment of the person, we obtain more rigor in the data entered and more knowledge. All your reports and management information (analytics) related to human resources will always be updated in real time and correct.
Employer Branding and continuous onboarding
One of the best tools of engagement is: always remembering what made us compete for that company and why we are there. Onboarding must be continuous and we ensure that with an Employee Portal you can do this in an active and communicative way, over time and throughout the employee’s lifecycle.
And, always remember to put in your recruitment and selection tools, the communication and integration tools you have available to the people you manage. Trust that they will feel more secure and will get a greater capital of trust.
In a company or organization everything counts. Everything makes a difference. Think about how you want to be recognized as an employer.
Would you like to be recognized for being an employer who adequately informs employees? Who has a functional and practical internal organization?
That maintains real and continuous onboarding and that seeks to develop a sense of belonging in employees?
Today it is very easy to implement simple people management processes and gain their support and trust. Consult us. We know how to make a difference.
Digital, Simpler, Amazing!

by Ricardo Barros – Chief Customer Success Officer @Uniksystem