The next Community support framework runs from 2021 to 2027 and will deliver around EUR 21 million to the economy, focusing on three vectors, “Demography and Inclusion", “Innovation and digital transition" and “Climate transition and resource sustainability".
Europe’s ambition with this framework focuses on restructuring economic activity around the vectors of social sustainability and resources, in a more collaborative and innovative economy, with the ability to withdraw from humans a significant effort with low added value activities, so that we can all recover quality timefor continuedlearning, research and creation of new, more efficient operational models and new products.
Knowledge, based on a permanent attitude of wanting to learn more, studying, reading, and wanting to share new knowledge, will be the basis of the next evolutionary stage of the human species.
As a society, at a time of demand, but with all the technical means already available, we must be able to significantly improve our quality of life by simplifying processes and activities in organizations, which are still too manual and inefficient.
The human being still has enormous capabilities to develop in the creative space and design, which, properly based on the present technical and technological capacity, will allow us not only to reach Mars, but also to other more distant planets. But mainly, it will allow within our wonderful blue and green sphere, to create excellent conditions of cohabitation with the other species and the continued progress of humanity.
All organizations now have the opportunity to apply for this community framework and also be a party as one of the agents of change, progress and economic sustainability, with the support of European funding.
Community Support Framework 2021-2027
The new Community Support Framework 2021-2027 will cover EUR 21billion, in which there will be:
– Three thematic Operational Programmes (OPs) on the Continent::
1. Demography and inclusion;
2. Innovation and digital transition;
3. Climate transition and resource sustainability
– Five Regional OPs on the continent, corresponding to the territory of each NUTS II and two Regional OPs in the Autonomous Regions.
– A Technical Assistance OP.
This is expected to be new funds and operational programmes for 2021-2027, the objectives of which will be more directed to:
“- a smarter Europe, thanks to innovation, digitisation, economic transformation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises.
– a greener, carbon-free Europe, implementing the Paris Agreement and investing in energy transition, renewable energy and the fight against climate change.
– a more connected Europe with strategic digital and transport networks.
– a more social Europe, emrealising the European Pillar of Social Rights and supporting quality employment, education, skills, social inclusion and equal access to health care.
– A Europe closer to citizens, thanks to support for local development strategies and sustainable urban development in the EU. “
Further news is awaited on the operationalisation of new support, as well as the opening of applications for their programs.
Innovation and digitisation are a strong commitment to new Community support, in line with the strategic objectives of digital transformation of companies and public administration.
Count on Uniksystem’s support in this transformation process, taking advantage of the new EU funds for 2021-2027.
Ask us for help as potential suppliers in submitting your application for scanning and business automationprocesses. We work in partnership with you!
Until then you can count on the support currently in force, among which we can highlight:
Extraordinary Investment Tax Credit II
This support allows to recover up to 82.5% of the investment of companies in R&D.
By deducting from the collection of 32.5 to 82.5 % of the eligible expenditure incurred in the tax period.
Directed to IRC taxpayers who primarily or do not primarily exercise an agricultural, industrial, commercial, and service activity, which have expenditure on research and development (R&D).
• Have non-r&D expenses incurred in lost fund;
• Taxable profit not determined by indirect methods;
• Do not owe to the State and Social Security any taxes or contributions or have the payment duly secured.
• Personnel expenses directly involved in R&D tasks (and doctorate, is considered at 120%).
• Operating expenses (up to 55% of staff costs).
• Acquisitions of tangible fixed assets.
• Participation in the capital of R&D institutions and contributions to Investment Funds.
• Cost of registration, acquisition, and maintenance of patents.
• Expenses with audits to R&D;
• Participation of staff in the management of R&D institutions.
• Contracting R&D activities with public entities (or with status) or even suitable entities recognized by ANI.
• Expenses with demonstration actions.
o Expenses relating to R&D activities associated with eco-design product projects are considered at 110%.
Application deadlines: Until May 31, 2021.
Promotion of ICT in The Ministry and Public
This support takes place in the context of Institutional Capacity Building and ICT and has thespecific need to increase access to and use of digital public services of alocal and regional nature and to improve the internal efficiency of public administration through ICT.
Local government entities; public entities providing public services.
North Region, NUTS II. Notice N º Norte-50-2021-24
• Acquisition of services to third parties, including technical assistance and consulting, when unequivocally demonstrated its need for operation.
• Acquisition of computer equipment expressly for the operation.
• Acquisition of software expressly for the operation.
• Acquisition, implementation, and provision of communications services, infrastructure, and equipment, including the costs directly attributable to place them in the location and under the conditions necessary for their operation.
• Acquisition, implementation, and provision of services, infrastructure and equipment of data centers and cloud computing, including the costs directly attributable to put them in the location and under the conditions necessary for their operation.
• Acquisition of basic equipment, namely furniture, signage, communications, and equipment related to the service, if it is duly justified as necessary for the implementation of the operation.
• Expenses with the protection of intellectual and industrial property from the results of the operation.
• Expenses with the promotion and dissemination of the operation, up to a limit of 5% of the total eligible expenditure in the operation.
• Expenditure on technical staff of the beneficiary dedicated to the activities of the operation, up to a limit of 20% of the total eligible expenditure in the operation.
• Expenses for works of adaptation of spaces and or buildings within the framework of integrated models of decentralized care in public administration.
• Acquisition and adaptation of motor vehicles to be used as itinerant services.
Application deadlines: Until April 28, 2021.

by Graciete Matias – Senior Manager – Public Finance @Uniksystem